Apart from its function as a "blazing" symbol for a critical
cultural practice, i.e. a monolithic landmark for the much desired
cultural diversity that is regularly and ineffectively conjured
up in the context of the Museumsquarter, the orange tent is also
a "sonar" media installation. Passers-by and remote users
can listen to and interact
with Text-FM, a participatory SMS-to-Radio project by Public Netbase
and British artists Graham Harwood and Matthew Fuller, that was
already presented at the Interface Explorer event in October 2001.
Users may send short text messages to the mobile number +43(0)664/1235555
which will then be transformed into computer-generated voices, thus
creating an interface between public and private space.
by Matthew Fuller, Graham Harwood (UK) in cooperation with Public
Netbase >> Download Text-FM Sourcecode